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  • We answer top litter box placement questions.

    We answer top litter box placement questions.

    Deciding where to place your litter box is important. You want it to match the feng shui of your home while also being safe and convenient for your cat to use. 

    The right litter box placement can help keep your house cleaner while ensuring your furry friend is comfortable doing their business. But that’s all easier said than done, especially if you live in a smaller space or share 

    Today, we're answering the top questions about where to put your litter box.


    Where should I put my cat's litter box in my small apartment?

    If you live in a small apartment, you might have more options for litter box placement than you know. 

    A common and convenient option is to place the litter box in the living room. This allows you to keep an eye on your cat while they use it. If the smell of litter is a concern, consider purchasing an odor-absorbing product such as a carbon filter.

    Placing the litter box in the living room isn't possible? Okay, you can instead place it in a large linen closet. You may even want to consider placing the box in the bathroom or on the balcony. As long as your cat isn't afraid of the location, it will probably work.

    For your own comfort, it is also important to take into account the principles of feng shui when placing a litter box. This means your litter box placement is designed to help blend the cat’s needs with the energy flow of your home. In this situation, the ideal location would be an area that is not visible from any main entrance or window, is away from food and water bowls, and is not located in direct line with any doorways. 

    Finally, make sure your cat knows where the litter box is located. Placing their food and water bowls close to the litter box can help encourage them to go to the correct location when nature calls.

    The basics of litter box placement only demand that you consider both your pet’s needs and the location that works best for your own comfort level.


    Can I move the litter box?

    Moving a cat’s litter box to a different location can be a difficult and stressful process for both the pet and its owner. It is important to keep in mind that cats rely on their sense of smell to find their litter boxes, so if you move the boxes to a new spot, they may have difficulty finding it.

    Here's where litter box training can come in handy. Praise your cat for using the box appropriately. You may even offer him non-food treats when he uses the box in its new location. Just be sure not to punish your cat if he makes a mistake.

    When transitioning your cats to a new litter box, you may want to place two litter boxes side by side — one with the old litter and one with the new litter — for a few days. This will help your cats get used to the new location and give him time to explore and adjust to the new litter box. 

    During this time, be especially vigilant about regular cleaning and litter box maintenance. Most cat specialists recommend that you scoop the litter box at least once every day and do a full clean every week. A regular cleaning routine can help keep your cat's litter box smelling fresh and minimize any odors coming from the litter box.


    Can I put two litter boxes next to each other?

    The short answer is yes, you can put two litter boxes next to each other — but only for a little while and only under certain circumstances. 

    If you're switching litter boxes, it's okay to put the new one beside the old one for a few days. Otherwise, we don't recommend this approach. After all, you don't want your house to look like you have a row of feline port-o-johns. Your cats may not like this arrangement either.

    If you have multiple cats, we generally recommend that you provide each cat with its own litter box. This will prevent them from feeling territorial and prevent any possible competition over resources. It also means that if one cat needs to use the box urgently, there will be no waiting involved. 

    Unfortunately, a more territorial cat may try to block her housemate from accessing the litter box. In this case, placing two boxes cheek-by-jowl with each other will do your cats no good. You'll need to separate the boxes for everyone's peace of mind.

    Finally, when considering the placement of two litter boxes side by side, think about the size of your home and the best location for the litter boxes. If your living space is limited, you may want to opt for a litter box in a closet or another less visible spot. Additionally, if you have a guest bedroom or hall bathroom where you can place two litter boxes, this could also work as long as the boxes are out of the way and not blocking any areas used by people. 

    Ultimately, when deciding whether to put two litter boxes next to each other or not, it is important to consider the size of your home and the needs of your cats.


    What about litter box placement in individual rooms?

    When it comes to litter box placement in individual rooms, there are several considerations to take into account. Firstly, cats feel more comfortable when their litter box is located in a quiet, private spot where they can easily access it. Ideally, the litter box should be placed in an area away from the cat’s food and water dishes, as well as away from busy areas like the kitchen or foyer.

    If you live in a spacious home, you may be able to place the litter box in a seldom-used bathroom or guest bedroom. However, if you live in a small space, you may want to consider placing your litter box in the living room or bathroom, provided it is far enough away from other activity areas. Just make sure there is adequate ventilation and easy access for your cat. 

    We don't recommend putting your cat's litter box in a basement, laundry room, or completely isolated area of the home. These are often too difficult to access for your cat and too easy to forget about for the humans in the house.

    When it comes to litter box placement, it's important to consider the principles of decorating and good housekeeping. For example, you'll want to make sure that your cat's litter box isn't placed in the direction of a main entrance or too close to any active appliances. Additionally, try to keep the litter box at least a few feet away from any furniture or places where people sit or sleep.

    Finally, it's important to remember that all cats are different and have different preferences when it comes to their litter box placement. Some cats may prefer a more private location while others may be more comfortable with their litter box in a public spot. Take time to experiment with various litter box locations and observe your cat’s behavior before making a decision on the best place for your cat’s litter box.


    How can I minimize the smell of a central litter box?

    Keep potential litter box odor top-of-mind when thinking about where to put your cat's litter box — especially if you are eyeing a central location like the living room. Fortunately, you can do a lot to minimize and even eliminate cat box smells. 

    Start by scooping out the litter box at least once a day. Removing the solid waste will reduce odors and help keep the area around the litter box clean and fresh. Additionally, only fill the litter box with two to three inches of litter. The more litter you use, the more it will trap odors and make it difficult to scoop. Wash the box weekly, and make good use of baking soda or activated charcoal odor killers.

    As for placement, consider setting up the box in an area with good ventilation. Some cat owners even put a litter box on their balcony, in a screened-in porch, or as part of an easily accessible catio. We just recommend you avoid closets or bathrooms unless you have no other choice.


    How do cats know where the litter box is?

    If you have a new kitten, you may need to show her where the litter box is or even how to use it. In general, however, cats have an incredible sense of smell, which helps them to locate their litter box. When introducing a new litter box, it is important to keep it in the same place and gradually move it until it's in the desired location. This will allow your cat to adjust to the new location. 

    While your cats may be drawn to the litter box by its scent, your guests probably will not be. You don't have to let the litter box reek with sour smells just so your cat can find it. The scent of most cat litters will attract the animals right away.


    Where can I put my cat litter box if I have multiple cats?

    If you have multiple cats, the rule of thumb is to have one more litter box than the number of cats in your home. If you have two cats, then you should have three litter boxes available.

    When it comes to where you can put these litter boxes, there are some important factors to consider. Generally speaking, each litter box should be placed in a different area of the house to give your cats a variety of options. For example, one litter box could go in the living room, one in a discreet corner, and another in a guest bedroom.

    Some people like to consider the principles of feng shui when placing the litter box, as the ancient Chinese practice teaches us how to create harmonious environments for ourselves. For example, if you're not a fan of having a litter box in the living room, you may want to place it in the hallway or some other less visible area. However, make sure that the cats can still find it easily!

    If you're placing the litter box close to the food bowl, make sure they are far enough apart that your cat isn't uncomfortable going from one to the other. Also, consider whether you want the litter box and food in the same room – sometimes it's nice to separate them to keep things looking neat and tidy. 

    The best way to decide on litter box placement is to think about what would work best for both you and your cats. Place the litter boxes in spots that are convenient for you but also provide enough privacy and comfort for your cats to do their business. With thoughtful consideration and some experimentation, you'll be able to find the perfect location for your cat's litter boxes.


    In conclusion…

    Your cat's litter box should be placed in a quiet and easily accessible area of your home. Consider how much space you have and how many cats you have before deciding on the ideal spot. If you’re tight on space, you may need to get creative with your cat litter box placement.

    If you’d like to make a statement, you can place the litter box in the living room, adhering to feng shui cat litter box rules. You should also ensure that the litter box is not placed too close to your cat’s food and water bowls, as cats may feel intimidated by the presence of other animals. With the right knowledge and advice, you can be sure to find the perfect spot for your cat’s litter box.

    Shop the Modkat litter boxes and accessories to freshen up your cat litter area today!

    “It looks nicer than any other hooded or open option we considered.”