Modkat Flip
Front-Entry Litter Box
Modkat XL
Front/Top-Entry Litter Box
Top-Entry Litter Box
Modkat Tray
Open Litter Box
Litter Keeper
Two colors
Lounge + Play
Scratchers & toys
Litter Mats
Multiple styles, colors & sizes
Clean + Organize
For a tidy litter area
Is it going to be a covered litter box for your skittish kitty? Or will you choose an open-air forum for your fearless feline to pee in? More thought needs to go into choosing the best litter box for your kitty than you might expect.
The perfect litter box will keep your cat healthy, your floors clean, your air fresh, and your household vibe feeling sleek and modern. Plus, kittens, senior cats, and cats with mobility impairments may all need something more than a standard litter box. That's a lot to ask of a simple box, we know.
Even if your cat has no obvious reason to prefer one style box over another, she may show a distinct preference for a covered can or an open-top loo. And who's to know what kitty is going to want when you make your purchase?
For cats with changeable preferences, there's the flip-top litter box. What is that? How does it work? And is it the right box for me and my cat?
Below is our all-inclusive guide to the flip-top litter box along with everything you need to know about choosing the right litter box for your feline housemate.
With so many boxes on the market, what attributes define a truly high-quality litter box? Is it size? Does a large litter box outrank a small litter box? What about odor control? Accessibility? Style?
All those littebox qualities figure into the mix, for sure, but the most important feature to look for is this: human and cat approval. The best litter boxes keep both cats and their people healthy and happy. Sound easy? It's not. Our two species are fundamentally divided on the question of what makes a great litter box.
The best litter box is the one your cat will use. Cats don't judge their boxes on how much you paid for it or how cute it looks in your apartment. They're asking for something a bit more practical. For instance, cats want things like:
Accessibility — Cats love boxes that make getting in and out easy. A young, injured, or senior cat may appreciate a front-entry box while an energetic adult mouser probably prefers diving in from above. Whether you choose a front-opening or a top-entry box, you'll want to make sure the opening is large enough for your cat to slide through comfortably.
Space — How much real estate does a cat need to do his business on? A good rule of thumb is to purchase a spacious litter box that's at least one-and-a-half times your animal's length and wide enough on the sides to turn around easily. For big boys and girls, you might need a box that exceeds 20 inches in length. Smaller cats can adjust to a standard litter box.
Security — Your pet doesn't want a stinky box, a small box, or a loud box, and he definitely doesn't want a visit from a cold-nosed canine while he's squatting on the potty. Remember that in the wild, cats are predators, but they are also prey for other animals. A cat's natural instinct, therefore, is to limit its vulnerability. And we're rarely more vulnerable than when we're in the john. So a litter box needs to offer a feeling of safety from loud sounds, heavy foot traffic, and nosy hounds.
Basically, cats want a safe, clean, and quiet spot to go in. And really...that's not too much to ask, but it's not always easy to find either.
Humans, on the other hand, tend to favor more esoteric values. They ask questions such as: Will that litter box look out of place in my living room? Would a disposable litter box harm the environment? And what about a covered box that contains odors?
These are all great questions. After all, you have to live with this litter box, too. If it makes your apartment look messy, it's on you.
Cat urine odor? Also on you.
Pebbly floors? You.
As a cat owner, it's reasonable to want a box that makes your home feel clean and inviting to guests, family, and friends. What does that look like in practice?
Often beautiful and simple, the best boxes make cleaning a snap and keep litter off the floors. They also come with a litter scoop for easy clean up and high sides to keep energetic pee-ers from shooting a subtle stream over the litter box wall.
The best litter boxes open wherever your cat wants to enter the box. Got a front-entry feline? Go with a front-entry box. Top-entry tigers in your house? Provide them with what they like.
When we prototyped our first Modkat — long before we thought about the Flip — our goal was simple: to create a box cats loved in a sleek design that complemented modern furnishings. Acclaim such as the prestigious Red Dot Design Award tells us we did our job. Better, though, are the snippets of applause we get from our customers who tell us:
Is a flip-top litter box the right option for your pet? Here's how to know.
Your cat's size, preferences, and elimination style merge with your home's size and your budget to provide you with a map to the perfect litter box.
Just as you probably enjoy having personal space around you when you take a seat on the throne, your cat also relishes the space to do business without interference. Cats need room to turn around, scratch, squat, and skedaddle. In general, you need a box that is 1.5 times your cat's length and as wide as your cat is long from nose tip to tail nub.
Some cats like top-entry litter boxes, which lets cats crouch down, leap up, and dart into a hole and hide. All fun activities if you're a cat! Other felines feel like a door they can walk through more sedately suits them. The debate between covered and uncovered boxes has raged throughout the cat community for decades. A comparative study published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that cats in general actually have no preference.
Cats pee differently. Some spray a high stream. Others shoot in a different direction. A few cats like to deposit a high volume of urine while others leave only a dab in the box. The urine of unneutered male cats emits a particularly pungent odor, and these animals tend to spray more often than neutered males and females do. Your box needs to account for your cat's distinctive elimination habits.
Your cat's box sits in your house. Therefore, while your cat has to love her bathroom, it's only fair that you love it, too. Would you prefer a corner litter box or does a sleek, stand-alone option better suit your home's look? Are you hoping to hide the box in a piece of furniture or will you need something more flexible? Remember that your cat's box should sit in a low-traffic area that's well lit and easy to access. Hiding the kitty litter box in the basement or the laundry room won't work.
No one wants to break the bank on a box for a pet cat to do bathroom business in. As with other things, however, the cheapest option is not always the most affordable one. Flimsy plastic boxes can split, crack, and break. They can also absorb smells that quickly make them unusable.
That said, you probably don't want to shell out a lot of money for a piece of furniture if you aren't sure your cat will use it. That's why the flexible and affordable Flip litter box can make a great option for a first-time cat parent.
Is a top-entry litter box right for you and your cat? If so, here's how to select the best option on the market:
Do you care for a kitten, an older cat, or a cat with mobility impairments? A front-entry or flip-type litter box probably makes your best option. Here's how to pick one:
Why choose a flip-top litter box over other options on the market? Here are five reasons:
Finding the perfect litter box can feel like searching for the Holy Grail. But it doesn't have to. To learn more about cats, their bathroom habits, and your flip-top litter box options, check out Modkat's side-by-side comparison of our award-winning products.
Shop the Modkat litter boxes and accessories to freshen up your cat litter area today!
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"It looks nicer than any other hooded or open option we considered."
"This litter box keeps everything in, nothing gets out the sides."
"My beautiful ragdoll cat and I both love the new Modkat Litter tray!"