Modkat Flip
Front-Entry Litter Box
Modkat XL
Front/Top-Entry Litter Box
Top-Entry Litter Box
Modkat Tray
Open Litter Box
Litter Keeper
Two colors
Lounge + Play
Scratchers & toys
Litter Mats
Multiple styles, colors & sizes
Clean + Organize
For a tidy litter area
Litter tracking is one of the most common complaints cat parents make. Tiny grains of litter often stick to tufts of fur and little paws, which means your kitty probably tracks litter all over the floor after every trip to the john. You may find litter pebbles in your shoes, on your bed, or even nestled between your sofa cushions. Ever had to brush cat litter off the bottom of your bare feet before putting on socks?
No amount of diligence with a dustpan and broom can ever really sweep away the detritus a cat can carry throughout your open house. While some specific litter types, including heavier litters such as newspaper pellets, may not track easily, cats are almost certainly going to emerge from the box with some litter attached. A top-entry box, however, can nearly eliminate litter tracking by keeping all the little gains contained under the lid. Plus, with the top-entry Modkat, the lid doubles as a walk-off mat, catching any stray kernels.
A covered box keeps odors where they belong — inside the box — and not wafting freely through your house. Top-entry boxes are not entirely covered since the entrance allows some airflow through the facility. Nevertheless, they do a great job of containing smells. Even better, you can pour extra litter into a covered box without worrying about your cat flinging it out. Deeper litter means more space to bury the smelly stuff.
You can also help your litter box stay odor-free by mixing baking soda with your litter. This all-natural cleaning product is 100% safe for cats and helps neutralize odors. Just avoid the scented sodas since they can drive cats' sensitive olfactory glands haywire. If you prefer, you could try one of our Modkat charcoal odor removers.
Whatever you choose, be sure not to use scented litters, and don't plug in an air freshener near the box since these products can aggravate cats and discourage them from doing business in the right spot. Check out the Purrr blog for more tips on keeping your litter box smelling fresh.
Your cat wants a functional litter box that's safe, clean, and simple to use. As a human, you probably want all that, too, but you also hope for a stylish litter box, something that will be an excellent asset to your decor.
Modkat started when Rich, one of our co-founders, wanted a new litter box. He had two cats named Mika and Sashi and they needed a new litter box that worked great and complemented the look of his Brooklyn apartment. Rich searched exhaustively but came up empty handed. In defeat, he complained to his wife until she said, “You're a designer. Why don't you just design one?”
The very next day, Rich presented the idea to Brett, his then-partner in a design business. And thus Modkat was born. You can listen to Rich and our other co-founder Brett tell the full Modkat story on this podcast.
Most cat litter boxes offer either functionality or style, but at Modkat, we blended the two into one sleek litter box.
Typically, it's not a good idea to move a litter box unless you have to, though. You might need to carry it to a spare bedroom where the cat will be chilling during a party, but during normal daily life, try to leave the box where it is. As the experts at PetMD say, "Don’t surprise your cat by moving the litter box all of a sudden. If you need to relocate the box, make sure to move it gradually, a few inches each day, until the box reaches its new destination."
Dogs enjoy eating cat poop. Sure, it stinks to us, but to a dog, those malodorous clumps smell like yummy cat food. There's actually a scientific name for consuming feces. It's coprophagia. Sometimes, coprophagia comes from a vitamin deficiency. Often, however, it's just instinctive behavior for a scavenger animal such as a dog. Over time, eating poop can develop into a nasty habit that will annoy the cat and leave you avoiding your dog's kisses.
Besides, dogs themselves can contract bacterial infections or intestinal worms from eating cat feces, and ingesting too much litter can cause severe constipation for your canine pet. So you want to stop your dog from eating cat poop as soon as you can.
You could try dog-proofing the litter box with a baby gate, door stop, or latch. These solutions often prove more troublesome for the humans in the house than they do for the dog, however. A top-entry litter box can help. Lidded litter boxes provide a good option for pet lovers who want to shut down their dog's illicit snack bar for good.
Some cats dig in litter like they're searching for buried treasure. These animals tend to fling the litter crystals everywhere, sometimes even sending clumps of pee-soaked crystals out of the box and around the room.
A covered box will help contain litter where it belongs. It's also one of the great features of a tall litter box where the high sides can keep both pee and litter from sailing over the walls. Containing litter is one reason a top-entry litter box is often better than a front-entry box which gives cats an open door to kick litter through.
When it comes to litter boxes, cats don't all share the same preferences. Kittens and older cats may appreciate a front-entry litter box that they can easily walk into. Cats with big personalities may enjoy proudly doing their business out in the open. For them, we created the Modkat Litter Tray, which features tall sides for high-peers along with an open top.
But many cats prefer a top-entry box. It's easy and fun to access and provides a convenient hide-away spot for cats to eliminate.
Bottom line? Most cats aren't terribly finicky about the style box you buy for them. As long as the facility is clean, easy to get to, and situated in a quiet spot, your cat will likely use it. The bigger question is, what box suits your lifestyle? If you live in a small house or apartment, a closed box offers many great benefits around cleanliness, style, and odor control.
Most cat caregivers don't have to worry about introducing their pets to a top-entry litter box. When presented with a new style of box, a cat's legendary curiosity takes over, and the animal figures out what to do very quickly. Follow these steps to set up a top-entry box and you should get successful litter usage from your feline friend:
Despite the benefits of a top-entry cat litter box, some animals simply won't use them or else seem to find them difficult or annoying.
If you care for one of these animals, you will want to make sure that the litter box you choose is large enough for your pet to turn around in and features sides tall enough to contain spray from high-pee-ers. In this case, top-entry, front-entry, or topless all depend more on your cat's preference than on his size.
By eight weeks of age, a kitten weighs 1-2 pounds and will either trust humans or start to act like a feral cat. A kitten might need 4-6 months or even longer, depending on her size and strength, to be able to use a top-entry box.
The best litter box is the one your cat will use. Modkat offers a full array of litter box options that cater to any animal's taste in bathrooms. See their top-entry solutions below:
Shop the Modkat litter boxes and accessories to freshen up your cat litter area today!
“It looks nicer than any other hooded or open option we considered.”
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"It looks nicer than any other hooded or open option we considered."
"This litter box keeps everything in, nothing gets out the sides."
"My beautiful ragdoll cat and I both love the new Modkat Litter tray!"